Task 4: My Game: The Pitch

You now have to ‘pitch’ your game.  You will have ten minutes in which to ‘pitch’ your idea to a pretend games studio.  You need to think about the best way of ‘pitching’ your idea in the most creative way possible.  What can you show the audience?  What technology can you use?  Are you going to use Prezi or make a mini film to use within your ‘pitch’? Are you going to use music or handouts?  All ‘pitches’ will be filmed and all ideas must be documented on your blog.

Research the Publisher


 Countanounts is an educational game, for children ranged from the ages of 6months to 5years; Countanounts is aimed to make learning fun and to prepare toddlers for their first stages of education. Not only will countanounts help children build confidence but it will also enhance the skills needed for success in school. The main purpose of countanounts is to encourage children to keep learning and to have fun while doing so.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Images is a key feature of this game, not only is it attractive but pictures are worth a thousand words, research shows that it takes time to process words, visual scenes quickly by the brain. And game industry people, especially creative, are visual communicators.  The more clearly I can communicate my idea, to you, the better it can be weighed, and the more likely it is to be accepted, at a minimum, as something of interest. Imagination is key.

The concept of countanounts is to explore making learning fun and interacting.

 Have Many Things to Pitch

I wont put all my eggs in one basket. However children are sponges, aren’t they? They soak up information just like a sponge. Children are our future, they’re our next generation. Countanounts is a gameplay, which will enable children to engage with their numbers and recognise its shape and pronunciations. I have realised that a good amount of educational games are poorly designed and do not support the progressive understanding, which I believe countanounts will change, why? Because we will have a great team full of creative ideas and great understanding of interactive gameplay.

 Be Passionate about what you Pitch

This is harder with a paper pitch than an in-person one, but despite being professional in a pitch, passion comes through nonetheless. As a developer I am passionate about this project,

 Know what you are Making

The core concept of the game is to explore the skills of mathematics within a child’s brain, to enhance skills for their later life in education. Countanounts is suppose to identify skills and provide good gameplay for every single child, as every child is unique and they all develop at their own pace.

Know Budgets

This game will be available for free, this will ensure hat every child has a chance to explore their skills needed in mathematics.

License and Registration, Please

The team I have is as important as the game or concept itself. it is more effective to work with existing partners than identify and orient new ones. I am looking for a long time partner to trust.


Does Countanounts have a position in the marketplace?

To the Point

Right, I going to stick to the point. The game content will be educational.

Business is Business

The games industry is a business. This is business, business to ensure our next generation have a chance, to ensure we enhance their skills from as young as possible, to ensure children explore their skills as a student.


Your pitch should be original.

My Prezi


Music will be playing in the background, and handouts will be given.

Preview of handout 

Screen Shot 2014-01-07 at 09.27.47

Countanouts trailer

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