Frame Rates, Screen Ratios and Resolution1.4

Frame Rates, Screen Ratios and Resolution

What is “Frame Rate”?

Frame Rate also known as fps means frames per second, this means how many times the shutter opens, and how many times a image is recorded per second.

  • Explain progressive scan in your own words using examples.

A progressive scan is a method for displaying  moving images/ reading information..A progressive scan is 24 fps, (frames per second) the benefit of this is that it doesn’t flicker as much.

  • What frame rate would I need to achieve a filmic look?

Films are typically set to 24fps, which means that the shutter speed should be set at 48. For several years in cinemas history images have been captured at 24fps, which results to the reason why we are used to that specific frame rate. To achieve a filmic “look”  means you would have to set your shutter speed twice of your choice of frame per second. E.g reason why i previously mentioned it would be set at 48 (24 x 2 + 48) (“24 fps (high quality TV animation, 35mm sound film (projected with double shutter to increase to 48fps”)

  • What frame rate and resolution would be best for an online animation?

8-12fps would be best for an online animation and the best resolution 24fps (“24 fps (high quality TV animation, 35mm sound film (projected with double shutter to increase to 48fps”)

Draw a diagram explaining 1080p.

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  • What does 4:3 and 16:9 mean?

4:3 and 16:9 is an aspect ratio (Digital Television Format Comparison) which is an SDTV.

  • What is the EBU and what do they consider should be the next step system?

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EBU stands for European Broadcasting Union, They are the worlds foremost alliance of public service media organisations. EBU consider that should be the next step system.

  • Say you wanted your short film to be shown on an IMAX screen.  What digital resolution would it need to be shot in and what frame rate would you choose? (Why?)

If I wanted my short film to be shown on a IMAX screen, the digital resolution would need to be shot in 7680 x 4320, and the frame rate I would need to have, would be 24fps as this is a standard rate frame for a movie.

  • What camera could you use?

A red on cameras would be the camera that I could use, as it has a 4K capture and it displays a “natural” depth of field from 2K TO 4.5K resolutions.

Phantom Flex, reasons for this choice is that this camera is one of the worlds most flexible digital cinema camera, which has many benefits and properties such as it has flexible lens, raw digital and/ or video workflow solutions and its HQ mode is for ultimate image quality.

  • Say you wanted to add a scene where you show a bullet leave a gun in slow motion.  What camera could you use for this?  What frame rate and why?

If I wanted to add a scene where I show a bullet leave a gun in slow motion, the camera I would need to use to do this, would be a Canon Camera as it has a HD resolution, also the frame rate I would need would be 340fps as this is the typical frame rate for slow motion.

  • You have access to a Canon 600D.  What would be the optimum resolution that you could film in? Is this HD?

The optimum resolution that I could film in with a Canon 600D is 1080p, yes this is in HD.

  • What is the fastest frame rate?  

The fastest frame rate is one trillion.

  • Can you film at the fastest film rate and the optimum resolution?  Why?

No, reasons why we cannot film at the fastest rate and optimum resolution is because we simply do not have the processing which is required.

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