TV Ident Understanding E4 (2.1)

TV Ident 2.1 – T1 W6

Understanding E4

Motion Graphics Task 2.1


What frame rate, aspect ratio and resolution will you produce your ident in?

Frame Rate -25, Ratio-16 by 9 Resolution-1080p is what I would produce my ident in.

What compression/file formats will you record and export in?

The compression file format will be recorded and exported in is H.264, reasons for this is because H.264 offers better quality at low file sizes.

What software will you use during production?

Adobe Premiere, Final cut(Editing tool for live action film), Adobe After effects

How has the research influenced and inspired you in designing your own ident?

 Research was an important feature for gathering information so that it could contribute to my final work. My initial thought/ ideas is to use Green screening and Rotoscoping.

What style/visual effects will you use?

My initial thought/ ideas is to use Green screening and Rotoscoping.

What does E4 mean to you?

Immediately when I think of E4, entertainment is a key feature which appears in my mind. E4 means entertainment to me.

Connotations to E4 to me are:

  • Fresh
  • Cool
  • Entertainment
  • Young/Youth
  • Television
  • Energy
  • Humours
  • Random

What are the connotations of this image?

The connotations of the E4 image above is very simple. Immediately you would realise that the E4 logos main colour is purple, purple is associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power and ambition. Purple is also considered to be the colour of “Good judgement”. Likewise many people have different opinions on what each colour represents. Alongside the purple, the colour white is in the combination of creating the E4 logo, the colour white is associated with safety, purity, and cleanliness. Both of these combinations coming together mixes well to create a welcoming colour which is combined to create the E4 logo. The logo is very simply designed, the shape of “4″ with the “E” in the middle creates a sense of togetherness within the two letter and number.

What social codes do you see?

(Social codes means something relating to or having purpose of promoting companionship, communal activities) The images below show a specific social code, which I believe is young people. Reasons for this choice is because there are  images of childish like things. e.g piggy with a cap on. Also the fact that all the images are all over the place and nothing is “structured properly” “matched” Ermmm “messy” “random” This could represent how society views young people. E4 gives its visual effects “personalities” the graphics are very “unpolished” (something you could create at home, young, isn’t high quality e.g Channel 4) this then makes E4  more interesting and also attracts it social group, which are young people/ youth.

Do they connect to how you view the channel?

Yes. All these images connect to how I view E4 channel. The reason why i view E4 channel being aimed and its audience being young is because I think the channel broadcasts “Young People Shows” shows young people are most likely to watch. For example:

  • Misfits
  • Skins
  • Hollyoaks
  •  Youngers
  • My Mad Fat Diary

Also I realised that even on the E4 website they use “slang” which is mostly common for young people to use when they are talking.  Below is a few screenshots.

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Other channels?

Popular channel iDENTS

BBC One- Usually use to be about the world, very solid channel, interesting subjects, always had some sort of glob, family channel, very mainstream (strictly come dancing, Eastenders)

  • Dave- Is aimed at the older generation “dated”, show shows such as “Top Gear”, “Dragon’s Den“Aimed at middle classed, middle aged people, especially men, Dave is considered to be “Classic” “UK Gold Classics, UKTV’s first digital-only channel,”

ITV- Recently Re-branded, similar like BBC Two, entertainment (Emmerdale), “Family” shows (Xfactor, Britain’s Got Talent, Mrs & Mr- families usually get together to watch these show),very friendly

  • Channel 4- Always show documentaries, extreme environments you usually wouldn’t see, Making the world come together to make sense, First people to normalise home sexuality and disability on TV

Who are Red Bee?

Red Bee also known as “Red Bee Media Limited” is a media management company head quartered in west London. Red Bee is a graphic and branding company, probably the best TV ident in the UK.

Below is a link to the actual Website:



Case Study 2

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Above is a print screen of Red Bee’s latest reband. “Really” Is the chosen brand I had noticed, which Red Bee had re branded. “We helped UKTV to reposition and refresh the Really Channel”. Red Bee explains that Really was a channel whose branding was “Out of kilter with its programming and audience”. Red Bee Media won a three way pitch to reposition and re-brand the channel.

Red Bee faced challenges such as to find a more grown up and upmarket brand proposition.

The solution to this case was to help project itself as a more “rewarding” alternative to tabloid Tv. Red Bees main aims were to” tune with viewers

The result to this was :

“UKTV Marketing Director, Simon Michaelides: “This bold brand refresh will put Really at the forefront of viewers’ minds and help drive the awareness of the channel to a much broader audience, building on its success as a market leader in its genre and providing a more rewarding alternative to some tabloid TV.”  (Taken from

Old “Really” Brand

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Above is a screen print of “REALLY” In which the show was previously identified by this pop art style cartoon logo, the logo consist  of lower cased font (“really”) surrounded by “pop arty” bubbles around the edge.


New “Really” Brand

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The newest logo for the channel “Really” has now updated their style. As the screen print above shows the new, modern , bold logo. Comparing the new logo to the old logo, shows the “Brand New Fresh” look. The up to date logo is very simple its considered to be a “more grown up, glossy and upmarket” approach to its audience.

What are E4’s brand values and ethos?

To answer this question, to really understand E4, you need to do some digging around.

You are trying to find out what it is they intend you to feel or associate with this image, and the brand that they have developed.

Blog: Understanding E4 (2.1)

Channel 4’s remit

Channel 4′s Remit primary purpose is to provide “fulfilment” of its public service remit.

E4’s persona

E4′S persona is clearly stated to be an “entertainment destination” for a “cutting edge young audience” On the channel 4 sales website, E4 describe who they are in three clear bullet points. The first point states that E4 is an entertainment company, E4 is an “Eccentric and witty persona and strong branding “, States what types of platforms E4 is available on e.g Free view, D SAT and E4 HD on Sky. E4 make it clear who they are and what they are for.

What they are made for?- E4 are one of the “Original digital channels” who have broadcast successful television programs such as Skins, Misfits and The Inbetweeners. E4 explain that with social media networks such as Facebook (appreciation groups) E4 is simply there to entertain.  E4 have shared an interesting fact which was : “ reaches 2m+ a month and has great brand opportunities”

E4 programme types

E4 provide different programme types ranging from:

  • Skins– Comedy Drama
  • The Big Bang Theory– Sitcom
  • 90210-Reality
  • Made In Chelsea– Reality television
  • New Girl-Sitcom
  • How I Met Your Mother-Sitcom
  • Rules Of Engagement-Sitcom
  • The Mindy Project-Comedy
  • Charmed-Supernatural drama, Comedy drama, Fantasy, Action and Horror
  • Glee-Musical
  • Ugly Betty-Comedy Drama, Romance
  • The Cleveland Show-Adult animated sitcom
  • 2 Broke Girls-Sitcom
  • The Inbetweeners-Sitcom


Sitcom– “Situation Comedy”

Adult Animation– Also known as “Adult Cartoon” genre of animation geared towards adults and sometimes teenagers.

Supernatural Drama– Combing elements of fantasy e.g supernatural fiction and drama genre

Fantasy– Genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural elements

Action– “Movement” “action is one of the fiction writing modes”

Horror- A genre which is intended to “frighten” its audience

Romance- “emotional attraction towards another person”. Love.

Comedy Drama- A genre which combines elements of comedy and drama. (humorous and sometimes serious content)

Musical- A film genre in which songs are sung by the characters , sometimes accompanied with dancing.

These are just a FEW to name, E4 offer many more programmes for it audience.

E4’s & E4+1’s combined monthly reach

E4 and E4 +1 reach over 8.9m (combined) people each month.

E4’s audience demographics and E4’s & E4+1’s combined demographics

  •  Age-16-34
  • Class
  • Ethnicity

Psycho graphic profile of E4 viewers and E4’s & E4+1’s combined profiles

  •  Hobbies
  • Interest
  • Music Taste
  • Personality

Blog: Understanding E4 (2.1)

Select two broadcast E4 E Stings and state how they emotionally connect with people who fit their demographic and psycho graphic audience.  You should analyse the following (with examples) micro-elements:

Pace of visuals
Graphic style

What are the common themes (conventions) that run throughout their idents?  
What ‘codes’ (signifying elements) will you include in your E Sting that will connect with and attract their audience?

1.E4 Sting

My first E4 sting broadcast I have chosen is an Esting called “E4 Ever After” which was created by Amy Filmer. This is a recent post as it was submitted in July 2013.


Throughout this Esting there are no unique sounds playing in the background. The sounds throughout this Esting is very simple and calm, I believe the reason for this is because there are no major actions within this Esting therefore there isn’t “special” sound effects.


The main colours throughout this Esting is Purple, White and grey. Reason for these colours I believe is because Purple and White are the major themed colours within E4. Colours within the Esting isn’t brightly coloured, very “dull”.


(VFX which means ‘Visual Effects”) Within this Esting the visual effects are not complicated.  It was noted at the bottom of this Esting that the creator had created each frame on sketchbook and put them together in media player.

Pace Of Visuals

This Esting is 10 seconds long, each from seems to change every 0.5 seconds, the movement of the man and woman and the creation of the E4 logo all ties into place, the footage doesn’t seem rushed or clogged together. The pace of visuals is nicely put together.


There isn’t many objects within this Esting. At the beginning of this Esting the man is shown to be proposing to the woman, which then a love heart floats out of the mans head, which clearly represents that they are in love with each other. The heart then over coats the woman, the engagement box combines with this, creating the E4 Logo. Below I have screen printed some of the major scenes throughout this Esting.

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The main character throughout this Esting is the man, likewise there is woman. These two characters are represented to be in love with each other. (ScreenPrinted the two characters below)

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The overall quality,feeling and attitude throughout this Esting is very calm, is easy to understand, not too complicated  colour quality throughout this Esting is dull but also has an attitude of humbleness.

Graphic Style

The graphic style is simple, all the animation was drawn by hand. No complicated movement of characters and associated objects. No typography nor voice overs.


My second E4 sting broadcast I have chosen is an Esting called “The Birds” which was created by  Joshua Thorpe(winner of a competition).  This is a recent post as it was submitted in June 2013.


Throughout this Esting there are many different sounds, there isn’t only one specific sound which appear throughout the Esting. Below is a list of sounds I had heard throughout the Esting while watching the clip.

  • Beep Sound
  • Continuous sound of shakers? drums?
  • Bleep (When E4 logo appears in the sky)
  • An eagle sound (Represent the bird)
  • Crash/Thump (Once Bird hits E4 logo)
  • Continuous sound of a males voice


There are many colours combined within this Esting as it is real life incorporated with animation. However the key colours are Purple and White, which are of course the colour of the E4 logo. The reason why i say that these two colours are the major colours within this Esting is because the E4 logo is the most frequent image which appears within this 11 second Esting.


Pace of visuals

Throughout this Esting there was 3 different sets. The first section was the concentration of the “remote controlled button”

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The second section was concentrating on the Bird crashing into the E4 logo.

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Lastly the third section was focused on the E4 logo “on the field” while the background was surrounded by little E4 logo plotted around the place.

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I had counted how many seconds it took for each scene to change, the first scene took 2 seconds whereas the second and third scene both took 4 seconds to change, all together the whole E4 Esting took 11 seconds.


Throughout this Esting there are many different objects and elements, which makes it different. There isn’t a “themed” type of structure within this Esting. For example the first scene is of a hand holding a remote control type of object

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The “Bird” which is apart of the Esting title, crashes into the Esting logo, however, the bird isn’t really the main focus of this Esting, I would consider the E4 Logo to be the major object/ element throughout this whole Esting.

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Throughout this Esting there isn’t a “Character” however there are objects that my be considered to be a main feature which could represent a character, which would then be the E4 Logo.

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The overall quality,feeling and attitude throughout this Esting is very different from my previous Esting. Even though the scene are not set on a seaside, the audience is convinced that it is, from the background sounds. The quality of the Esting is good, however, as i mentioned before I think the Esting should of had a bit more focus on the “Bird” as that was its title.

Graphic style

Throughout the Esting there isn’t much complex graphic styles, At the bottom of the Esting in the descriptive box the creator had explained that he had filmed all of the shots and then tracked in the e4 logo.

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