Final Evaluation

Technical Evaluation

  • Workflow (order of post-production techniques)

To correctly keep on track I had created a production log, which enabled me to list all my objectives and  how much time I had to create these elements for my ident. This enabled to keep on track and complete my given task at the correct time.

  • Techniques (using technical language)

  • Reasons for techniques

  • Effect that it gives the audience and how it meets brand.

The effects that it gives the audience and meets the brand

Production Evaluation

  • How does your final product compare with your original intentions?

My final product is completely different from my original idea, my final ident doesn’t fit the image I initially wanted, I imagined my final product to imitate my mood-board. However I am pleased with my final product, considering that I was using software that I wasn’t used to using, likewise, comparing my final product to my mood board, you can see the type of look and imagination I had in mind, wile creating it.

  • How does it compare with professional products researched?  Did you take ideas from research and change them?  Why?

Inspiration from professional work played a huge role within my ident, gathering ideas from previous work and combining them with my own , helped me come to a conclusion of my final idea/ product. Researching was a key feature within my research about E4’s

  • How does your product fit with the brief of branding E4?

My final product fits with the brief of branding E4 as it is very E4 like, meaning its very modern, crazy, cool, fun, random… basically E4 like. Using the “E4 Off Air Identity Style Guide” enabled me to fit my product with the brief of branding E4, style contents ranging from how to use the E4 logo properly, the logo position, to the type position. Using this guide, enabled me to correctly construct my ident with the correct elements.

  • What are its technical qualities?

My ident’s technical qualities is the live footage of the popcorn and fireworks. Reasons why I consider theses as my idents technical qualities, as it is live footage combined with animation.

  • How did your technical skills develop?

My technical skills developed throughout this project as within my motion graphic lessons I was continuously playing around with after affects and becoming familiar, which developed my technical skills dramatically. Handling the dslr camera enabled me to experience more technical handling and expanding my skill and technical knowledge.

  • What are its aesthetic qualities?  What is its style?

Aesthetic properties are also a key feature within my production log, reasons why? because aesthetic properties make a product attractive to look at, or pleasing to experience, therefore the products features such as shape, colour and texture all needed to come into consideration as well as combining it with E4 elements. Channel E4’s style is very much purple, crazy, random, exciting and very much teenage like.

  • How did your production skills develop? (Generating ideas, planning, preparation, time management, workflow, monitoring work in progress)

My production skills developed by me generating ideas, basically planning… this enabled me to develop my production skills. Combining my ideas, planning, preparation, time management, and workflow enabled me to develop my production skills within creating my ident. This was a key feature as it helped me not oly develop skills but create a good ident while doing so.

  • How did your creative ability develop? (how could you improve this?  More concise storyboards, brainstorming and sketches?  More research?)

My creative skills developed by me keeping track of my ideas at all times, doodling/sketching ideas, and sticking with my production log, all these specific elements combined together which helped my create skills. Knowing exactly what I needed to do, help me stay on track. How could I improve? Well, I believe that I could do better if I didn’t keep on changing my initial idea, reasons for this, is because I wasted quite alot of time, hanging my ideas, however at the end I was pleased with my final idea. Next time I think I need to be quick and creative when deciding what to do, as the time I wasted trying to figure out what to produce, I could of been wexpanding my ideas. Likewise, I was pleased with my final development towards my final idea.

My creative ability developed by practising, I had used spare time to configure with my animation, and learn about the software.  This then helped my gain practical experience, using software such as:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • After Affects
  • Photoshop

combing all these software’s together to create my final product, helped me develop my creative ability.

  • What did others say about your work?

I had used a questionnaire to gain feedback from others, feedback was a crucial element of my work as feedback enables me to know where I am in terms of quality performance, this will help me develop my personal abilities and improve on my weakness.


My ident 


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