Graphic Principles 1.1

IM Design 

1.Some Graphic Design Principles



Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colours, text and space

Balance Types and Layouts

There are many different balance types and layouts which include:

  • Symmetrical Balance (Horizontal/Vertical    
  • Asymmetrical Balance
  • Radical Balance  

Visual Centre and Balance 

Visual Centre doesn’t necessarily mean the “centre of the page” “Visual Centre” is slightly to the right above the actual “centre” of the page.


Emphasis is a key feature of any design, as the “emphasis” is suppose to draw the views attention. Below is a example of how a design would “emphasis” his/her design to the viewer.


Movement is an action which the viewer will change their position from one place to another. For example “Reading” we read from left to right, therefore the movement of the eyes move left to right to focus on something specific.


Pattern is the repeated decorative design.For example an object or symbol can be continuously repeated to create a “Patten”


Pattern and repetition are very similar. “The repetition of elements of design creates unity within the work of art.”


Proportion means amount. Proportion is created when parts of something is combined together.


Rhythm is created when an element is repeated which then creates an organised movement.


Variety is the range of things of the same general class. “a number or collection of varied thing” taken from


Unity is when there is a harmony between two works of art.

Task 1.

On Ai, using the principles of good design, draw a representation of the person sitting next to you.  You must:

  1. Convey emotion

  2. Use simple block shapes only (no more than 5 sides)

  3. Label the graphics with all the design principles in the appropriate areas.

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Using Illustrator, I had drawn a portrait of a person who I sat next to, which was Fjolla. During this task we was given various instructions which included to convey emotion and to use simple block shapes only (no more than 5 sides). When creating the portrait of Fjolla I had to consider balance, visual centre, pattern and repetition. In this portrait I do not think I considered balance properly as I do not think I have colours matching as I was copying exactly what I saw on Fjolla. However I do take into consideration that balance plays a huge part within a design as it can create colour harmony and makes the design look nicer. The I definitely think that the recreation of the “Adidas” logo stands out the most, as it is coloured with bright yellow, nicely balanced and it stands only in a dark blue coloured background (which is suppose to represent the hoodie). There are no specific patterns within this design but the repetition of different shapes not only create a pattern but a rhythm. The use of different colours and shapes not only represent Fjollas portrait but I also think it conveys her emotion. Above there are two images one is a labelled and the other is the original image of my portrait of Fjolla.

Rule Of Thirds

Golden Ratio 



  • Have you applied the rule of thirds?

  • Have you applied the Golden Ratio?

  • Do you have lead lines?

  • What is the focal point?

  • Have you applied the Gestalt principle?

Apply and label 3 of these principles to your own piece of art.

For my Task 2, we had discussed the “Rule of thirds”, “Golden Ratio, “Golden Ratio In Art & Life”, & “The Gestalt Principles”. During this task we had to consider if the rule of thirds, golden ratio, lead lines, focal point and lastly the gestalt principle all related with my work.

Above is a screenshot of my Golden Ratio spirrel which i had taken from google images and then applied it to my original image to ensure that all the shapes fitted into place nicely with the lines represented. If you compare my original image I had posted before you would realise that i had changed the size of Fjolla’s hair, I had moved her mouth a bit higher than it was before and i had also fitted her right eye into the circle space represented in the Golden Ratio spirrel.

What is “Lead Lines”? – Lead Lines is something which draws you into an image.

What is “Focal Point”? – Focal point is the main focus “centre of interest”.

What is “Gestalt Principle”? – Gestalt means “Shape” or “Form” therefore it basically means ” Shape”/”Form” Principle.

Task 3

Research challenge (I will be impressed if you can find a definition for these):

  • White Space- White space is often referred to as negative space, space between screen elements.white-space-creative-design-1

  • Grey Space– Grey space is an area or part of something existing between two extremesGrey-Area-597x400

  • Black Space– Black space takes your eye away from a page towards another one.IMG_1472

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