Being a Responsible Media Student

Effects debates…

What was your reaction when you saw/heard about a real beheading video being passed around on Facebook/Twitter?

My initial thoughts of this subject is that I feel that the real beheading video being passed around on Facebook and Twitter, is that it is brutal, and wicked I do not feel that it is a okay platform for this video to be shown on, not only is it a lack of sympathy for the individual whose life has been taken but also for their family. I feel that this isn’t really a surprise act, which is unfortunately sad. We also have to think about users who do not wish to view this content, e.g young kids on Facebook who are not supposed to be on it, can experience their innocence taken away from a video with such brutally, however growing in this generation and having most things around you being technical, seeing the real beheading video is not a surprise. Extreme violence is a problem which our generation needs to over come.

“While this video is shocking, our approach is designed to preserve people’s rights to describe, depict and comment on the world in which we live.”  Facebook.

Do you agree?


Yes, signing up to a social media website, comes with a lot in its package, therefore Facebook has granted their users the right to view what they wish to view. However, I feel that it is wrong that such a  violent video is being shared and that people wish to see another individual suffer in such a brutal way. For the own persons dignity I feel that it should be removed.

“We know from evidence that [watching] such material can influence self-esteem in a very negative way. It can also cause flashbacks, nightmares and sleep disturbance. If that is prolonged it can transfer into many other negative effects in a child and adults as well such as anxiety-related disorders and panic attacks.”

Has this changed or supported your argument?

No, If that is the case the age of Facebook should change. If they feel that it could cause  flashbacks, nightmares and sleep disturbance, they should consider changing the age, therefore other explicit content will not have a negatively effect on children.

What is the difference between:

  • Regulation

  • Classification

  • Censorship

The difference between these three are that, Regulation is a principle or could even be described as a rule or law by the government, whereas classification is “age” meaning restricting access to media material on the grounds of age, including “U, PG, 12A, 15, 18 and R18”. Whereas censorship is the use of power by authority , meaning to control hat an individual, group or society can or cannot see, hear or read in media products.

What would you do if you were Facebook?

If I was Facebook I would terminate the video, reasons why ? because I feel that a video with such violent content should not be shared. A person has lost their life, in such a violent way, which should not be broadcasted around the world.

If it had shown it on the news would you have reacted differently?

Yes, most definitely, the new is an open broadcasting television channel, which provides information for all ages, which is suppose to be informing, the video should not be broadcasted on the news, however it could be spoken about, many people react differently to things, likewise with such explicit and violent content, the news should not broadcast it. Facebook is something you sign up to for your own social interest whereas the news is something which you turn on to get information and to provide you with information with what is happening around you. There are limits to what type of content the public should view.

Should it have been, is it in the ‘public interest’?

Perhaps telling the public but not showing them the video, the fact that someone has been beheaded and it has been shared around Facebook/ Twitter should be public’s interest, however not viewing the disturbing content.

 For more information Google ‘media effects debate’.  What about the effect of violent video games?

“The violent game seems to have elicited more stress at bedtime in both groups and it also seems as if the violent game in general caused some kind of exhaustion,” taken from

As media producers, do you have a social responsibility?

Yes, you would have a social responsibility, especially if the icon you are working with is known worldwide, as they may be considered as role models “someone who people look up to” “someone who people inspire to be like” therefore a media produce has the responsibility of knowing their targeted audience and showing them content with will not have a negative effect on them

Should you consider the effects of your work on social groups or individuals?

Yes, you should consider the effect of your work on social groups or individuals, as it could either be negative or positive. Especially if you are a worldwide known celebrity who has a a young fan base, for example Miley Cyrus, she has been the talk of media for the past few months. Miley cyrus was a young girl who was a well known disney superstar called Hannah Montana, Disney channel is aimed at young children, therefore children who have grown up watching Miley grow may experience their own change. With Miley’s explicit behaviour such as twerking, and smoking at the VMA’S, she is showing her fans wrong behaviour, also her becoming very sexual her music video, can also have an effect on people. Especially young girls who look up to Miley as an individual.

Summarise the four classic effect theories:

  • Hypodermic syringe model

  • Cultivation theory

  • Desensitisation

  • Copycat theory

This will help, as will Wiki:

Summarise two more recent theories:

  • Uses and gratifications

  • Reception theory

Uses and gratifications is simply when people to specific things with the media to satisfy various individual and social needs that the audience has. On the other hand reception theory is when people show how other people make different polysemic meanings from the same media.



Define the word ‘libel’.

“A published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation.” in other words Libel means a false statement/comment which is said to damage a persons reputation

What recent libel cases have there been involving Twitter?

Twitter party

Case: Lord McAlpine falsely accused

Alleged offence: Libel

“A tweet is potentially libellous if it damages someone’s reputation ‘in the estimate of right thinking members of society’”

 What defence types will be successful if someone accuses you of defamation?

Consider a for and against argument for:

‘should libel apply to social media?

Yes libel should be applied to social media, If not man people will be able to harm others without libel being applied to social media, this then prevents harm towards others and makes the social media a more safer way to communicate with each other.

What if someone defames an ethnic community?  Have they broken the law?  Why?

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