
 Define ‘blasphemy

Blasphemy is an act which when a person speaks their opinion about their religious beliefs, in which can cause another to be offended. Humans have the right of free speech, however showing great disrespect can lead to major disagreements.

In what countries is blasphemy punishable by death?  

Below is a few example of countries which punish an individual if they commit blasphemy.

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Egypt
  • Iran
  • Jordan
  • Pakistan

Is it illegal to blaspheme in the UK?

No it is illegal to blaspheme in the UK, it started in March 2008.  However, the last person to be imprisoned for blasphemy was a man called John William Gott which was in the year of 1921, in 1941, since then it has been tested then they realised  that the law should be enforced, 50 years later.

Discuss the consequences of two recent case studies of alleged blasphemy in the media.

“Christian neighbourhood in Lahore, Pakistan attacked over alleged blasphemy”

Over 150 houses and at least two churches were set on fire in the Christian neighbourhood of Joseph Colony.

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Above is a screenshot of an article about a Christian neighbourhood of Joseph Colony in Lahore, Pakistan which was attacked, it was described as several of thousands of people armed with batons and pistols to set fire to a house as a person was accused of blasphemy.

“In Brotherhood’s Egypt, blasphemy charges against Christians surge ahead”

A wave of blasphemy cases against Egyptian Christians has the community complaining it’s being hounded with flimsy evidence.

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Above is a screenshot of a blasphemy trail against a Christian teacher in an Egyptian city. Three students accused the teacher of her insulting Islam while teaching a social studies class. The woman above is now hiding and did not attend her court hearing.


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