Employment & Contracts

Employment & Contracts


Permanent Job role- Never ending, ends when you want it to end

Full time- Working a good amount a week e.g 36hrs

Part time-  Work a few hours a week e.g 15 hrs

Fixed term contract- Start and End date

Freelance- Self employed, you give the company a contract for them to sign, you also get paid more

Few Job roles 

Graphic designer- Freelance sometimes permanent

Production manager, someone who overseas the project – sometimes their fixed term,

Accountant- Full Time 

Lawyer- Full Time

HR (human relator) – Full time

Permanent (FT and PT)

  • Job roles in IM industry that contract suitable for permanent (full time and part time)
  1. Legal, Accountant
  • Hours worked

35-40 hours a week (full time ) 24hrs (Part time)

  • Work patterns (shift or office for example?)


  • Employee rights (holiday, maternity, healthcare, pension..)

As full time you are entitled to holidays, maternity, healthcare and pension.

  • Employer rights

They have a right, your employee has the copyright to your work, right for you not to say anything bad about their company.

  • Advantages

  • Disadvantages

Fixed term

  1. Animator- Job role of this job is to produce images that appear to come to life on screen. (part time)
  • Hours worked

Animators usually work normal office hours e.g 35-40 hours a week  (expected to work in company)

  • Work patterns (shift or office for example?)

depends on the job

  • Employee rights (holiday, maternity, healthcare, pension..)

As fixed term you are entitled to holidays, maternity, health and safety  healthcare and pension.

  • Employer rights

They have a right, your employee has the copyright to your work,

  • Advantages

About 300 companies employ animators

  • Disadvantages

You need to be able to work under pressure and to strict deadlines

Salaries may range from around £19,440 to upwards of £26,120 a year

Competition for an animator jobs are not always advertised, which results to the person having to network, networking is an important way of finding work.


  •  Hours worked

Tend to work longer hours

  • Work patterns (shift or office for example?)


  • Employee rights (holiday, maternity, healthcare, pension..)

  • Employer rights

You have a right, you have the copyright to your work,

  • Advantages

  • Disadvantages

You have to buy equipment yourself

Find an example of a freelance contract.

Below is a freelance contract.

Research 5 clauses that it should include

5 clauses a freelance contract should include are:

  1. Pricing/Rates – How much the employee will get paid e.g hour
  2. Payment/Invoicing- How often the employee will get paid? e.g daily? weekly? monthly? schedule payment
  3. Copyright- how would copyright come in, with the work you create
  4. Terms and Conditions- Rules that you must oblige to
  5. Assignment of intellectual property

What would happen if you didn’t meet the client brief or you broke your contract?

It is important for employees and employers to stick to a contract until it ends or until the terms are changed, If you have agreed to do some work for someone, it isn’t an employment contract but a “contract to provide service”. If you didn’t meet the client brief or you broke your contract which is also known as “breach of contract” it can not only impact your career but also the business, If you cant sort the problem out with your employer, they can decide to take legal action, this can result to taking you to court. Your employee could decide to sue you for the damages in the same way you can sue them. As you are signed to a contract you need to oblige to the contract as you signed it before hand, that’s why it is very important to read your contract before signing.

All Contracts

Contact two companies, say who you are and ask them for a copy/example of a fixed-term contract and a permanent contract.

Screen Shot 2014-01-15 at 10.12.58

Screen Shot 2014-01-15 at 10.16.44

Who should you approach for this information? 

To get information or a copy/ example of a fixed term contract and permanent contract you would contact the company of course, but in further detail, the person/s who is in charged of supplying information about the companies career/ contract details.

The two companies I decided to contact were:

  1. Bauer Media
  2. Tigeraspect

You own a small digital design company.  You have three full-time projects on the go at the moment which is taking up a lot of your in-house staff.  These staff are:  

Head of Production

Production Assistant


1 x Executive Producer

2 x Producers

2 x Assistant Producers

1 x Graphic Designer

1 x Editor

1 x Intern (design graduate)

Work experience

You have been asked to produce an interactive banner advert for a new mobile car game to be run on YouTube.  It must include animation, live-action footage and have interactive elements.

  • Who would you need to subcontract to?  

to employe people outside my company , I would need someone who can animate, video produce and someone who can programme. Perhaps work experience?

  • Bring anyone in?  

People who have the correct skills for this job role.

  • What type of contract would you bring them in on?  

Fixed term people or freelance people, an advantage of having a fixed term person is cheaper as freelance can be expensive.

  • What do you expect of them?  

Work to be creative and for them to work at their full potential, deadlines to be met, good communication.

  • What if they don’t deliver on time or work to brief?  

If they don’t deliver on time or work to their brief, this can result to them being fired especially if they are going against the terms and conditions on their contract.For example on the contract I could put “if deadlines are not delievered I have the right to not pay you” this then means that I do not have to pay the worker his/hers money as they did not deliver on time or work to the brief.



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