Paul smith

Paul smith

Who is Paul Smith?

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Paul smith is a British fashion designer, he was born in 1946, Paul first opened he’s first shop in 1970 at 6 Byard Lane, Nottingham, which was very small (3m by 3m). In 1976 Paul did his first collection show in paris, which was of course a success.Throughout the years 1979-1993 Paul continued to prosper and open more shops around the world including, France, England and America

Our trip overview at the Paul Smith showcase 

When you first enter into the show room a small 3m by 3m room is presented, which was Paul smiths first shop, within this room it shows the different compartments and well designed areas, considering that the room is very small and only a few items could be placed. It shows people that it isn’t where you start it is where you finish. Within the show room there is a continuos objective about Smith thanking his wife and quoting “I would of never of done this without my wife”.

Throughout the show room, we are taken step by step Paul smiths progress within his work. We are shown the stages of his first showroom, shop, collaborations and fashion.

With in Paul’s collaboration, he had collaborated with a range if different artist/companies such as HP Sauce, Barbour, Evian and plenty more. All the different collaborations are completely different within colours and design.

Each area of the showroom presents different designs smith quoted “I hate shops that are all the same” there is a care view upon originality and he’s sense of taste and ideas reflects upon his designs as a designer.


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All the picture above clearly show the stages of Paul Smith’s journey throughout he’s career.  Within each room, there is a specific style which reflect upon he’s ideas as a designer 

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