Task 1

Unit 66 3D Modelling, Unit 67 3D Animation, Unit 68 3D Environments

Task 1- Software Selection

You must create a detailed blog entry on at least three different types of 3D Software. The entry must be detailed and reference reviews and real world examples of their use. You must state your preference of software and what the hardware requirements are for the particular software, sourcing and pricing a system online.

Application 1: Maya

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  • Maya- Animation Software
  • Created by Autodesk, inc
  • Price: $5,775
  • Animation Type: 3D
  • Main Functionality: Animation, Modelling,Rendering

Maya which is also referred to as “Autodesk Maya” is a  3D computer graphic software application which has a range of  creative features such as 3D Animation, 3D Modelling, Simulation, Visual Effects, Rendering,Match Moving and Compositing.

Maya is particularly used as an animation and modelling program which is used to create “three-dimension” which is often referred to as “3D”.  This software has the ability to produce videos that are more “life like”. New developments to this graphic software now has the ability to create “realistic rendering” basically “natural effects” such as; smoke blowing in a breeze, the rotation of clouds and dust, or movement of clothing caused by gravity. Maya is a application which “makes it possible to portray emotions in animated characters by enhancing facial expressions and the realism of body language” (quotation taken from”http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Maya”)

Maya is a software which is continuously developed throughout the year (every year a new update is released). Maya is a professional studio type.

Some Animation Features

  • 2D Animation
  • 3D Camera Tracker
  • Bullet Physics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Keyframe Animation
  • Multiple Camera Shots
  • Particle Engine
  • Rigid Body Dynamics


Above is a youtube link which is  of a “ATOM Animation Transfer”

Some Modelling Features

  • Filtger Effects
  • Polgons
  • Layers
  • Import 3D Models
  • Rigging


Above is a youtube link which is of “Modelling tools”

Some Rendering Features

  • Lightiing
  • Render Layers
  • Render Passes
  • Shaders


Above is a youtube link which is of “Node Based Render Passes”

Materials and Textures

  • Cloth
  • Fur
  • Hair
  • Muscles
  • Toon Shading


Above is a youtube link which is of “Dynamics 2013”

Maya is a graphic software which is supported by three different types of platforms which include:

  1. Windows
  2. Apples
  3. Linux

Below is a youtube video of a commercial I had come across which was created by the software Maya

Application 2: Cinema 4D Studio

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  • Cinema 4D: Animation Software
  • Price: $3,510
  • Animation Type: 3D
  • Main Functionality: Animation, Modelling, Rendering

Cinema 4D is a modelling animation software which specify in modelling, animation and rendering. Cinema 4D is a graphic software which was developed by “MAXON Computer GmbH. Within Cinema 4D there four different types of variants which are currently available from MAXON which include:

  • Cinema 4D Prime
  • Cinema 4D Broadcast
  • Cinema 4D Visualize
  • Cinema 4D Studio


Some Animation features

  • Bullet Physics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Keyframe Animation
  • Mask
  • LipSync
  • Morphing
  • Particle Engine
  • Rigid Body Aynamics


Above is a youtube link to “Barcelona Pavillon VR Animation”

Below is a Nike commercial which was made using Cinema 4D

Application 3 : Blender

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  • Blender- 3D Software
  • Created by Blender Foundation
  • Price: Free
  • Animation Type: 3D Computer graphic software
  • Main Functionality: 3D Modelling,Rendering, Animation

Blender is a FREE 3D graphic software which can be used for modelling, texturing etc. Blender is described as being “3D Creation for everyone, free to use for any purpose. Free Software, great community, and 100% open” (Quotation taken from http://www.blender.org/)

  • Blender is a graphic software which is most commonly used for:
  • 3D Modelling
  • UV unwrapping
  • Texturing
  • Rigging
  • Rendering
  • Camera Tracking
  • Video editing and compositing

These are just to name a few of what is available to do within this software.

Considering that Blender is a free graphic software application, it has a relatively small installation size ( considered to be about 70mb) among this Blender has a reputation of being “difficult to learn for users accustomed to other 3D graphic software” (Quotation taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blender_(software)

Although Blender is a free software and is available to the community, Blender has been used for television commercials in several parts of the world including places such as; Australia, Iceland, Brazil,Russia and Sweden.

Below is a couple screenshot I had come across on the Blender website, these are simple shot of the interface in which Bleder provides. “The screenshots to the right are free to be used for Blender articles or promotion, provided the copyright text is fully included, for websites it should link to www.blender.org! Download all screenshots in full size here.” (quotation taken from http://www.blender.org)

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The interface on Blender is described to allow its users to change, adapt and re distribute the layout of all UI components and tools to suite the task at hand.

Character Mode 

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Blender provides are variety of tools, which can allow its users to create very detailed ‘organic” looking characters”.


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“Rigging” within Blender allows it users to transform any model into a “character” meaning, Blender provides sophisticated methods which allow realistic “mesh displacement”

Solids Modelling

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Solids modelling allows its Blender users to create “hard surface ” and “subdivision” modelling, using beneficial tools such as 3D object types including polygon, meshes etc. to create easy modified solid modelling.


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Animation is a key feature within Blender, the animation tools allows its Blender users to create simple movements such as walk cycle or to as complex as lip syncing, this is a key feature as it allows it users to have an opportunity to create something such as a “human” to have “human like ” features such as gestures, movements or even poses, which can be combined together to create “complex actions”.


Above this is a link to a youtube video, which shows how powerful blender can be and what the software is capable of producing.

Below is a advert I had come across on Youtube of a Coca Cola commercial in which they had used the software Blender

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