Task 2

Task 2 – Translating the theory

You job is to create a laymen’s guide to the theory of 3D. This can take the form of printed material, blog entry, video log etc. It must be accessible via your blog. It should include reference to the following and contain enough detail and examples for anyone to understand.

Applications of 3D

Where and who uses these technologies?- There are many different people who use 3D technology for various different subjects. 3D model (3D modelling) on computers are commonly used by product designers, these people create virtually anything within different 3D programmes (e.g Maya). Product designers involves the designer of a product gathering and suggesting designs that would suit the intended audience of the product. There are several ways in which a designer could/will create a design (object). Most popular being Auto-desk and adobe softwares, these include Auto-desks own CAD package and many adobe packages like Bridges and Photoshop. Within 3D the designer will also use other programmes such as Maya, Blender or 3D Max, all these editing programmes allow the user to create and develop 3D objects and make them anything they can. This type of programming is very useful for designers.

Within applications of 3D there are main uses of 3D Technology, which are; Animation, TV, Film and Video-games. Animation is the main user of 3D as modern animations like cartoon use the tools necessary to develop a piece of 3D entertainment; it sort of the same principle for Video-games and some TV shows that are animated and not shot in real 3d (e.g Eastenders). Films are different. Films such as Toy story will use 3D development “heavily” whereas someone who is developing a film that uses CGI characters, as well as real people will use a mix of filming and software.

Below I have named some other career fields in which Applications of 3D may be used:

  • Web and Architecture- A 3D application software can be used to develop ideas for new buildings or extensions to a previous building. Same refers to Web base design (a website can be created from scratch just like a designer would create/build a building design in a programme).
  • Building Design- Architects will produce a accurate design/development with a 3D application software.

Displaying 3D polygon animations

Programming interfaces e.g. Direct 3D

Programming Interface which is also referred to as API is a set of functions and rules in which a computers uses to “communicate”/ Interact with each other to do specific roles. “an API specifies a set of functions or routines that accomplish a specific task or are allowed to interact with a specific software component.” (Quotation taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_programming_interface)

“API, an abbreviation of application program interface, is a set of routines,protocols, and tools for building software applications. A good API makes it easier to develop a program by providing all the building blocks. Aprogrammer then puts the blocks together.

 Most operating environments, such as MS-Windows, provide an API so that programmers can write applications consistent with the operating environment. Although APIs are designed for programmers, they are ultimately good for users because they guarantee that all programs using a common API will have similar interfaces. This makes it easier for users to learn new programs. ” (Definition taken from http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/API.html)

Graphics Pipeline

Graphics pipeline is a sequence of “operations” to generate an image using “object order” processing. Graphics pipeline also refers to a “series of interconnected stages through which data and command describing a scene go through when being rendered” (Quotation taken from http://goanna.cs.rmit.edu.au/~gl/teaching/rtr&3dgp/notes/pipeline.html) Likewise graphic pipeline is a process that goes into the production of realised 3D movie characters or environment is known by industry professionals as the “computer graphics pipeline” (Taken from http://3d.about.com/od/3d-101-The-Basics/tp/Introducing-The-Computer-Graphics-Pipeline.htm)

Rendering techniques

  • Engines
  • Distributed Rendering
  • Lighting
  • Textures etc

Geometric Theory

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  •  Vertices

A vertex is a point where two or more straight lines meet. Vertices also describe corners and intersections of a geometric three-dimensional shape.

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Above shows a shape which has “4 Vertices”

  • Lines

A line usually a long, narrow mark or band, a line can also be referred to as a “straight or curved continuos extent length with breadth” (taken from google definitions)

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Above shows a one line segment

  • Curves

A curve is a line which gradually “deviates”.

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Above a simple basic image of a curve, this curve was created with the program “clip art”.

  • Polygons

Polygons are simply 2 dimensional (also referred to as 2D) shapes. They are all made up of straight lines, in which they all connect together. Most common polygons are the basic; Triangle, Quadrilateral, Pentagon, Hexagon, and Octagon. (there are many more other polygons) I had found a great math website, which provided me with great information about polygon, which I found very useful; http://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/polygons.html

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Above is an image I had taken from Google Images.

There are many different types of polygons such as:

  • Regular or Irregular

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  • Concave or Convex

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  • Simple or Complex

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  • Face

A face is any of the individual surfaces of a solid object.(e.g A cube is made up of four faces)

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  • Meshes

A mesh is some sort of structure in which a model is created , the structure is made up of virtual sets of lines and faces. A mesh simply shows the outline of the object.

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Above is a image I had taken from google images, which shows the stages of a mesh process, you can clearly see the change from the first image of the rabbit to the bottom, there is more detail and there are more polygons which are incorporated within the model.

 Mesh Construction

“Mesh Construction” is a process in which it allows the user to create an object with polygon meshes; these polygons are different forms of elements, these elements include vertices, edges, faces, polygons and surfaces.

  •  Box modelling– Box modelling is a technique which is used in 3D modelling. This technique occurs when you take a basic primitive shape (e.g cylinder) and make that basic shape a “rough draft” of the users “final model”, this process uses various tools and steps which can be repeated a numerous amount of times to create the specific look, in which the user is trying to create.

Screen Shot 2013-10-10 at 20.50.07Above is a image I had taken from “google images” This image simply shows you a good modelling process of creating a “foot” type model. It features a simple box which has then been modified to create a foot type look, you can clearly see the process of the modification in which this person has done.

  • Extrusion modelling– Extrusion modelling is a commonly used technique with 3D animation, which is also often referred to as “Poly by poly” modelling. In extrusion modelling the modeller starts with a small portion of a model—which could be a polygon, or an edge, or even just a point—and works outward from this starting point using extrusion and other tools.
  • Common primitives- Common primitives which is often referred to as “Basic geometric’ is a form of shapes in which users can use or modify. Most common 3D Primitives are: Cube, Cylinder, Tube, Pyramids, Sphere, Torus and Cone.

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Just like 2D shapes primitives can have a “resolution level” assigned to them, meaning that you can make them look smoother by boosting the number of sides and steps used to define them.

Below is a link to a PDF file I had come across while doing research in which I particularly think gathered information and defined “common primitives” well. 


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