Task 3

Task 3 – The constraints of working in 3D

Your final entry for this assignment is to look at the constraints of 3D. 

Polygon Count

Polygon Count is referred to be the number of polygons in an object or scene. Polygon counts are specifically used in computer graphics to “compose images” that are three-dimensional (3D) in appearance.

File Size

A file size is “A sequence of adjacent bits, usually eight, operated on as a unit by a computer” (Taken from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/file+size) Within 3D application software there are estimated to be around 30 different 3 different scene files that you can save as, depending on the application that the user is using.

Rendering Times

“Rendering” is a type of process which generates an image from a model, which could include adding shading, colour and lamination to a 2D or 3D wire frame, this creates “Life like’ images on a screen. During this process all the information is combined together to determine the colour vale of each pixel in a flattened image. The term “rendering also refers to the calculations performed by a 3D software (e.g Maya) Rendering times is commonly used in gaming and interactive graphics. There are two major types of rendering, which are :

  • Interactivity – As we cannot predict exactly how a “player” will interact with the game environment, images must be computed from 3D information at a rapid pace.

Within “Rendering Time” it varies. Reasons for this is because depending on the type of object it could take several weeks just to render something which is a minute long.Rendering timing also depends on settings used, for example; the type of machine the user is using, the formats, the video size and much more. To avoid slowing down your computer, you may consider adding more RAM, however, the video card wil only affect the Wire Frame and Interactive Shaded displayed but will have no affect on rendering speed.

settings such as :

  • Ray Tracing
  • Sub surf Levels
  • Soft Shadows
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Blurry Reflections
  • Dimensions

All these sub headings can increase your rendering timing, however they are changeable.

Below is a YouTube link about “What is 3D Rendering” This is a recent post which was just posted April 2013, Its only 51 seconds.

Impact of rendering?

There are many impacts within rendering. For example rendering speed is controlled primarily by the speed of the processor, which means the faster the processor, the faster the rendering is. If you do not have enough RAM, this will then result to forcing your computer to use virtual memory, which will slow down your computer.

The impact of changing the resolution is that it causes insufficient memory.

The impact of the computer if there are loads more polygons to cope with, is that it requires a lot more processing, which then slows down the computer. The following example below illustrates the technique which reduces the number of polygons.

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 09.50.33

The more polygons and the larger resolution means more fill requirement, and this results to using up GPU processing.The amount of polygons to be rendered can negatively have an affect on the object.

Another website I had come across was “Real Space” 



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