
3D Evaluation


    1. Opening statement


  • Discuss what your final product is, utilising screen shots to aid your descriptions. Make sure that you are specific to the three units Modelling, Animation and Environments


My final product is called the Domin’ lounge, this short 3D animation clip is a short animation of a ball entering a lounge room, rolling around and hopping onto a table, knocking over dominos, which are stoof onto a coffee table.





Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 20.11.50 Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 19.47.24 Screen Shot 2014-07-09 at 21.04.54 Screen Shot 2014-07-08 at 22.53.05 Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 21.57.36 Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 21.57.36 Screen Shot 2014-07-08 at 22.53.05


NB Much of this may already be on your blog. If it is then do not recreate it.

  1. What steps did you take to create the 3D work?

NB Much of this may already be on your blog. If it is then do not recreate it.


Screen shots below of steps I took to create my 3D work.


    1. Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 13.31.35 Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 21.57.36 Screen Shot 2014-07-08 at 22.53.05 Screen Shot 2014-07-09 at 21.04.54 Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 20.11.50 Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 19.47.24Problems Encountered


  • Discuss the problems that you encountered whilst trying to create your 3D Models, Animation and environment.


A main problems I had encountered while creating my 3D animation was my idea, due to the constant changes of my ideas had prevented me from meeting deadlines and keeping organised. Another problem that I encountered was working from home and school and the transferring of work, for example I had textured all my items at home, brought it into school and some textures were missing, this then meant , I had decided to do everything at home, as the maya student software I had downloaded, had some textures which my school maya did not provide. Being new to the software, I had watched a few youtube videos, which were relevant to my project, for example the rolling of the ball, or being able to create a sofa. Some problems I had encountered while following some youtube videos, to create my models, were that some of the videos were immediate level, which was not suitable for me, which my final results weren’t as good as I intended it to be.


  • Gain Feedback from others including the teacher (At least 3 different people)
  • Allow others to watch and make both positive and developmental comments. These must be recorded and attributed (i.e. Who said it? When?)
  • Make sure that they comment on all elements Modelling, Animation and Environment
  • Write a paragraph about whether you agree or disagree with the feedback




To gain feedback from others I had created a form, which is below.

  1. Original Objective
    1. Discuss whether you achieved what you set out to do in your original proposal, if not why

NB If you have changed your idea from the original this is the time to discuss why


I did not achieve my original proposal, which was a bathroom, reasons for this change was that as I was new to the software, and I knew very little, researching on how to create some models was very difficult and above my level to create, or even had no type of resources on how to create them, therefore I changed my idea into a longue. The reasons why I had chosen to create a longue was there were many youtube videos on how to create objects which were relevant to my designs as well as other website resources, which were widely available and also free. This then boosted my confidence to create the items I then decided to create, using all the resources available. Below is a few links to websites and youtube clips I had watched and learnt some tutorials:


Inspiration relevant to my project


    1. Conclusion


  • What have you learnt whilst completing this project?


Whilst completing this project, I have learnt that organization is a key element, and being clear on what you are doing is crucial. Organisation, keeping your time keeping on task, and completing things within its deadline. Giving yourself time to render is also a crucial point to consider while doing a project like this. Also, giving yourself time to learn the software, helps alot, as you can’t just start without knowing the basics, this helps when creating your objects, animating and doing camera, watching loads of tutorials helps as well.


  • What would you do differently if you were to start this project again?


I would choose something I am capable of doing, rather than just coming up with an idea, and not evaluating it, (thinking about; Am i capable of completing this with time given? ) I would definitely spend more time in the beginning, considering to watch loads of tutorials and becoming more familiar with the software.










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